Monday, September 15, 2014

Prayer Culture

"Pray without ceasing" is the mandate in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, that strikes at the core of our culture of prayer of every believer. 

In 2008 while in our Saturday morning youth prayer meeting the Lord began to deal with me about prayer in our generation.  He showed me that it's critical that we teach this generation that prayer isn't the "last resort",  but rather the central constant in our daily lives. I heard the Lord tell me, "build a prayer culture". It would be easy to take a word like this and make it a "ministry", but I believe it's a mentality that needs addressed by the church today.  

In the approaching time of Jesus' earthly ministry, it took a forerunner of John The Baptist to declare, "Repent, for the Kingdom is at hand".  

Repent = to change or adjust your mindset.  

I've heard it said that culture is a greenhouse to any seed that goes into the ground.  The environment that a seed goes in will determine the growth possible of that seed.  Today if we desire to see the rich fullness of the Kingdom in our lives, we must live in constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit in the avenue of prayer.  Prayer should be the communion of the believer with the Father that provides a place of the Kingdom seed to flourish.  

Matthew 18:19 "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."

Agreement is a symphony of faith that comes together to make one powerful release toward heaven.  As we build a prayer culture, let your personal faith be added to others faith, to see the powerful release of heaven upon any situation.  As we build a prayer culture, here are some statements that help frame our faith in prayer.  They are intended to build your faith and passion toward prayer.


"the agreement of believers that sets faith to faith to see mountains move and Goliath's fall"

"the symphony of faith, making one sound to heaven. Many parts blending together for one sound"

"a launching pad for righteous living through a surrendered vessel" 

"a relationship that desires His presence and demands consecration"

"a momentum of faith that crashes down on the hopelessness of human limitation"

"anything but passive.  It's a society of faith that sees God without limits and releases praise as a weapon"

So from this place we begin to build a prayer culture in our own lives.  When we get a revelation of Jesus, we must begin to pray from that revelation toward our situations. 

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